HD The Fixies English - Series Trailer | Cartoons for Kids

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Fixie-Dittie-karaoke «On Christmas Eve» (From the hit series “The Fixies”)
On Christmas Eve,
On Christmas Eve,
On Christmas Eve
Our spirit’s lighter.
And on the tree,
And on the tree
On Christmas Eve
The lights burn brighter.
Every year when no one is expecting
From some place that no one could conceive
Appears a little miracle before us
Every year on Christmas Eve.
On Christmas Eve,
On Christmas Eve,
The clock it seems
Is ticking slower,
Then suddenly
A miracle
No one believes
Comes out of nowhere.
Every year when no one is expecting
From some place that no one could conceive
Appears a little miracle before us
Every year on Christmas Eve.
On Christmas Eve
The clocks tick slower,
And miracles
Come out of nowhere.
And miracles
Come out of nowhere,
Come out of nowhere,
On Christmas Eve!